Saturday, February 26, 2011

Almost there...

It's so exciting...I'm almost out of the 180's!!!! I can't wait to see a 7 as the second number in my weight...not that the number is all that matters but it does make a girl feel good! :) Just 3 more pounds and it's bye bye 180's!!!
A lot has been on my mind lately. I've been thinking about all that goes into becoming healthy and really taking back what's yours. The mental change that takes place is an amazing, difficult process and can at times be emotionally draining. I've been looking back at old pictures, old being a year ago, and I don't even know who that person is. I can't remember what her likes were. What she did for fun. What her dreams were or if she even knew how to dream, and dream big! Now, I look at pictures of me, the girl who I've become and I see passion, life and love in my eyes. Passion for life that I've never seen before. Yes, I do have my bad days just like anyone else who is going through changes, whether weight loss or others, but all in all the good days far out weigh the bad ones. I'm really enjoying discovering myself and learning what I can do. I need to give a shout out to all that have stuck by my side through this process. Heaven knows I've been a brat through it. Thank you Mel for always reminding me that I'm worth it and that I have goals and dreams. Thank you for being my workout buddy and for smiling even when you felt like choking me. Marth, thank you for still believing in me. I can never thank you enough for the 5 months that you kicked my butt and have made me into the person that I'm becoming each day. Thank you for loving me. And to all my friends and family, you are all amazing and I'm so grateful for you all. Good luck this week accomplishing your goals. Keep you head up. I heard today, "If you don't like who you are on the outside (or inside), CHANGE IT!!" Love it!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you Angie! I've told all my friends about you and you are truly my inspiration! Yay for 170's! I just got out of the 170's, 169 baby!!!!!!!
