Friday, October 29, 2010

Up's and Down's

Hey guys! It's been a few days since I've updated. Things have been a little hectic and a little rocky the past couple days and I'm finally sitting down to write my feelings on the week. I wish I could report some amazing success or a goal met but sadly I don't have anything too exciting to report. This week has been a slap in the face when it came to trying to change my life. It's interesting how you can feel on top of the world and have all the motivation to keep going and the next you feel rock bottom and have lost ALL motivation. Trying to take back my life is tough and can sometimes be too much but when I think about all that I've learned in these past 6 months and how unhappy I was before I decided to make this committment to myself my heart starts to beat fast and all I wanna do is go running and then run some more! It's worth it! Every cookie I turn down. Every pizza slice I can't eat. Nothing could possibly taste as good as finding myself and who I really am. I'm back and I'm going to hit it hard starting Monday! It also wouldn't hurt if my running buddy wasn't out of commission for gallbladder surgery. Stupid gallbladders. Hopefully I'll have her back in a few weeks. :) I'm crossing my fingers!


  1. boy I hear ya sis! This past week has been a downer for me as well!!! And all this Halloween candy my boys are bringing home isn't helping at all, when I'm depressed, chocolate is the only thing that can heal least that's what my thinking used to be...I'm trying to change that. I love ya! By the way, recovery for gallbladder is just like a c-section...very slowly! Your friend could be up to walking in a couple of weeks, running might take a little longer :( I'll be your long distance running buddy!

  2. ang...i have so often felt the same way. it is a woman thing. depression is in EVERYONE even the happiest of us. a few days off kilter isn't going to be the end of you. just remember those driving feelings and it all comes back. keeping this blog is a WONDERFUL idea. re-reading old posts helps us realized how far we have come. keep it up. <3 ya
